What is Section 150 IPC?

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  1. Hiring, or conniving at hiring, of persons to join unlawful assembly —
    Whoever hires or engages or employs, or promotes, or connives at the hiring, engagement or employment of any person to join or become a member of any unlawful assembly, shall be punishable as a member of such unlawful assembly, and for any offence which may be committed by any such person as a member of such unlawful assembly in pursuance of such hiring, engagement or employment, in the same manner as if he had been a member of such unlawful assembly, or himself had committed such offence.
    —The same as for a member of such assembly, and for any offence committed by any members of such assembly—Cognizable—According as offence is bailable or non-bailable—Triable by court by which the offence is triable—Non-compoundable.
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