Change Company Name

To change comany name  the goals or goals and goals of your company, you want to amend the Memorandum of Association.   Now, this is sometimes tough to do, especially if you’re a young company looking to completely alter the principal items.  But if you stick to the proper procedures, it may be carried out immediately.  By way of instance, 1 mistake many businesses make is to add several domain names in the key items.  This won’t be approved.  By way of instance, if you’re in the software company, you can cover all of applications services in the key items, but other solutions, such as designing, ought to be contained in ancillary or other items of the provider.

Procedure for Changing Name & Objectives


You first require the board to pass a resolution choosing the brand new name and altering the items of the business.  We’ll request a few records, which will be required to get the acceptance from RoC in this aspect.


We’ll file the required forms for changing the title and items, but would also have to supply us with projected turnover specifics for three decades and a statement that the organization is going to commence the business mentioned in the items within six months.

Change LLP Name

Working Area: Pan India
Duration: 7 Working Days
Partners: Aadhar/Voter/Passport, Passport Size Photos
Place of Registration: Electricity Bill/Property Tax, Rental Agreement/NOC

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  • Name change for a private limited company, inclusive of name approval fee and GST.
  • Partnership Deed Registration



  • Name change for a Limited company, inclusive of name approval fee and GST.
  • Partnership Deed Registration



  • Name change for a section 8 company, inclusive of name approval fee and GST.

*Account Opening: We just assist you in opening Current Account in one of our partner’s bank.

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Why would a name change be necessary for a Private Limited Company?

For a variety of factors, including rebranding, alterations in business objectives, or the pursuit of a new identity, corporations may alter their names.

What steps are involved in the process of renaming a Private Limited Company?

Obtaining shareholder approval via a special resolution, verifying the availability of names, adopting a special resolution, submitting an application for MCA approval, and updating company documents comprise the procedure.

Is the new name of the company limitless, or are there any specific constraints?

The chosen name should adhere to the Companies Act 2013 Naming Guidelines and avoid any undesirable connotations or resemblances to pre-existing names.

May I repeatedly alter the name of my Private Limited Company?

While it is feasible to modify the name on an ongoing basis, such actions are subject to particular prerequisites and limitations.

May the new name be identical to or comparable to the name of an established company?

No, it cannot be identical to or bear great resemblance to the name of an existing company.

May I inquire whether the name change procedure can be accelerated?

Although the process schedule is typically influenced by the duration of government processing, expedited services may be available upon request.

What happens to existing contracts and agreements of the company following the name change?

Contracts and agreements that were previously in effect continue to be legally enforceable despite the change in company name.

May I alter the name to my liking, or do naming conventions apply?

In accordance with the regulations specified in the Companies Act 2013, it is imperative that the name remains unattractive.

Do particular regulations apply to names that incorporate specific keywords?

Certain keywords are subject to a minimal authorized capital requirement, as outlined in the Companies Act of 2013.

May particular words that comprise a name be utilized without the consent of other governing bodies?

Insurance and banking-related terms, among others, may necessitate authorization from pertinent regulatory bodies, including IRDA or RBI.

Does a modification to the organization's name impact its legal standing as a Private Limited Company?

No, modifying the name of the company has no bearing on its legal status or continued existence as a corporation.

What is the duration of the name change procedure for a Private Limited Company?

Typically, the procedure requires 15 to 30 days, though this can vary due to government processing periods. .

Is shareholder sanction required for a name change of the corporation?

Indeed, shareholder approval must be obtained via a special resolution.

What paperwork is necessary to modify the company's name?

A special resolution, board resolution, application for approval, and an up-to-date Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association are required.

Does the process of renaming a Private Limited Company incur any charges?

Undoubtedly, the submission of the application for a change in company name incurs a mandatory fee.

Should the name change be announced in newspapers?

Yes, the Companies Act stipulates that two newspapers, one in the local language and one in English, must be consulted regarding the name change.

Which names are deemed "undesirable" in the context of a Private Limited Company?

Undesirable names consist of those that are vulgar, resemble registered trademarks, are identical to existing companies, or violate the Emblems and Names provisions.

Are criteria applicable to the assessment of name similarity with other corporations?

Yes, names that have minor distinctions such as plurals, case variations, or word order changes can still be considered similar.

Does the act of renaming a Private Limited Company have any bearing on its credit standing or public perception?

Reputation and credit history of the organization are not impacted in any way by a name change.

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