A Winding up of Company . private limited company is an artificial judicial individual and needs various compliances such as appointment of Auditor, regular filing of income tax return, annual return filing and much more. Attempting to keep compliance for a firm could lead to fines or disqualification of the Directors from integrating another corporation. Consequently, if a private limited company is now inactive and there are no trades in the business, then it’s ideal to wind up the organization.
Voluntary winding up of a firm may be initiated at anytime from the shareholders of the organization. If there are any unsecured or secured creditors or personnel on-roll, the outstanding dues have to be settled. After all of the dues have been settled, the bank account of the firm has to be shut. Lastly, the business must regularise any late compliance such as income tax return or yearly filing and cancel the GST enrollment. After, all tasks are stopped and the registrations are surrendered, the winding up program request could be filed together with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Kanoons are able to allow you to end up your Business, easily and quickly. Kanoons will be able to allow you to begin the winding up procedure within 10 to 14 business days. The entire process for winding up of a company can be completed within 3 to 6 months, subject to government processing times. The deadline for winding up of a firm can also differ from case to case, according to specific conditions. To talk more about winding up a business, get in contact with a kanoons Advisor.
When a business is incorporated, it has to be filed together with the MCA together with notification of its registered office, title of directors, MOA & AOA along with other essential info. A personal company wants a minimum of two members along with a public company takes a minimum of 7 members. A business may choose to end up a business due to several reasons and can commence the procedure anytime.
Working Area: Pan India
Duration: 7 Working Days
Partners: Aadhar/Voter/Passport, Passport Size Photos
Place of Registration: Electricity Bill/Property Tax, Rental Agreement/NOC
- Winding up a private limited company for which income tax compliance is maintained upto date.
*Account Opening: We just assist you in opening Current Account in one of our partner’s bank.
Winding Up of Company
A provider becomes an artificial legal person. Frequent compliances and filings becomes a compulsion and therefore every time a provider is inactive, these legal requirements become a financial burden. Attempting to abide by those compliances, the organization might incur penalties or the supervisors might be disqualified from integrating a different corporation. Thus, an inactive firm is suggested to wind up and dissolve itself end its presence.
To wind up a business, the members appoint an administrator or liquidator who takes charge of the business resources, pays off the debts and eventually spreads the surplus, if any, one of the members of the business in accordance with their own credit contribution. Kanoons can assist you in Winding Up of Business fast and steadily. Get more information concerning the Winding Up of Business as well as other compliances by scheduling a consulting session with kanoons.
Who will register a Partnership firm?
Partnership Companies are registered by the Registrar of Firms, under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.