
Startup India Registration


SKU: KSTUP Category:


Documents Required:

Incorporation Certificate
Proof of Funding
Authorization Letter

Proof of Concept

Patent and Trademark details


Includes: Registration
Duration: 20 Working Days

Startup India Registration

As a business startup looking to leverage the benefits offered by the Startup India initiative, navigating the registration process can be a daunting task. However, with the assistance of Kanoons, a trusted legal services provider, you can streamline and simplify the registration process to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements. Our team of experienced legal professionals is dedicated to helping startups like yours successfully register under the Startup India program, enabling you to access a wide range of benefits and support to fuel the growth of your business. With Kanoons by your side, you can rest assured that your startup registration will be handled efficiently and professionally, allowing you to focus on what matters most – building and growing your business.

In addition to assisting with the registration process, Kanoons can also provide valuable legal guidance on other important aspects of running a startup in India. From drafting and reviewing contracts to intellectual property protection and compliance with labor laws, our team of experts can help you navigate the complex legal landscape of starting and operating a business in India.

In conclusion, Kanoons can be a valuable partner for startups looking to register under the Startup India program and navigate the legal complexities of starting and running a business in India. With our expertise and dedication to helping startups succeed, we can provide the legal support you need to turn your business idea into a successful venture.


Who is eligible to enroll with Startup India?

Under the Startup India initiative, an organization organized as a Private Limited Company, Partnership Firm, or Limited Liability Partnership is eligible to register. These business entities must have a minimum annual turnover of Rs.100 crores and a minimum of ten years of operation since their incorporation or registration date. This type of organization should be engaged in the advancement, development, or enhancement of processes, products, or services.

Which business structure should a startup organization select?

Preferred business structures for a startup are Limited Liability Companies (LLPs) and Private Limited Companies (PLCs). The legal status of a Private Limited company is typically preferred by investors. However, compliance is more stringent and the cost of incorporation may be greater.

LLPs, on the other hand, have comparatively lenient compliance standards and lower incorporation expenses than private limited companies. LLPs are also universally and investors’ internationally acknowledged with limited liability companies (LLPs).

Is it possible for a foreign company to register under the Startup India hub?

Any organization with a registered office in India can easily register on the hub, as the location preferences currently only cater to Indian states. However, the government is aiming to soon initiate registrations for stakeholders from the global ecosystem as well.

How long is a company typically recognized as a startup?

Once a business entity has reached the 10-year mark since its incorporation/registration and has surpassed a turnover of Rs.100 crores in the previous years, it will no longer be considered a startup.

How can I confirm that my registration has been successfully processed?

After the application is finished and the startup gains recognition, you will be awarded a certificate of recognition generated by the system. You can easily access and download this certificate from the Startup India portal.

When encountering an issue with an invalid password during the registration process on the Startup India portal, it is important to take the appropriate steps to resolve the issue?

Kindly be aware that the password you provide when registering on the startup portal should have a length of 8 to 15 characters. It is required to include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeric digit, and one special character. The portal will only accept a password that meets all of these requirements.

What are the advantages of registering with an India startup?

Startups are entitled to a variety of advantages through participation in the Startup India Initiative. Nevertheless, recognition as a startup by the DPIIT is a prerequisite for the acquisition of these advantages.

Self-certification of compliance with six labor laws and three environmental laws is permissible for startups. This is permitted for a cumulative duration of five years commencing from the entity’s date of incorporation or registration. Startups are granted a tax exemption for a period of three years and have access to superior intellectual property services and resources designed exclusively to assist them in safeguarding and monetizing their IPRs.

What steps can be taken to appeal to potential investors for a start-up?

In order to attract investors, it is crucial to have an exceptional product with a scalable model, as well as a strong presence in the market. Ensure that your product garners strong engagement and traction. Registering your startup on startup India and actively seeking out investors is crucial. Ensure that you can clearly convey your business concept to the investor and demonstrate the long-term viability of your business model.

What sets an accelerator apart from an incubator?

Startup incubators are institutions that provide support and guidance to entrepreneurs, particularly in the early stages of their business. Institutions with expertise in the business and tech world typically handle the incubation function.

Startup accelerators provide assistance to companies in their early stages of growth. These programs typically have a designated period during which companies collaborate with a team of knowledgeable mentors, who may offer financial assistance, for a span of a few weeks to a few months.

Is it possible for an existing entity to register as a "Startup" on the Startup India Portal?

Indeed, it is possible for an existing entity to register itself as a startup, as long as it fulfills the specified criteria for a startup. Startups can also take advantage of a range of tax and intellectual property rights benefits. The criteria align with the ones mentioned in the article above.

Is it necessary for a startup to be registered in India?

Indeed. In order to register a startup with the Startup India website and avail of the associated benefits, it is necessary to have at least one registered office located in India. Currently, the location preferences are limited to Indian states. However, the government is aiming to expand registrations to include stakeholders from the global ecosystem in the near future.

How can I effectively write the startup activities section on the startup recognition form to increase the chances of acceptance?

A startup is registered with the goal of addressing a problem. To be eligible for registration with the Startup India initiative, a startup must be focused on innovation and improving technology to address a specific problem. Therefore, when filling out the ‘Startup Activities’ section on the ‘Startup Recognition Form’, it is important to provide information on the problem your startup aims to solve, the proposed solution, the uniqueness of your solution, and the revenue-generating model of your startup.

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